Tuesday, June 7, 2011

French Women Don't Get Fat

Book #2 of my trip, French Women Don't Get Fat, was a quick and easy read filled with lots of healthy information. Although nothing close to what I expected, this how-to on eating, drinking, and living brought my attention to many of the misconceptions we Americans have with food. She discusses how not to diet, but to live and eat more conscientiously. Opening up our senses and enjoying each moment with food will make us a healthier people. French women are able to eat multiple courses and maintain a healthy weight, they are setting the standard we Americans should follow. In no means is Mireille Guiliano judging Americans or making fun, she is just suggesting the French way as the better way. And it doesn't stop with mere suggestions she offers plenty of examples and recipes on how to begin this healthier lifestyle.

I am bittersweet about this new concept as my diet mainly consists of bread and pasta for lunch and dinner. I'm eating and living the Italian way, but will be happy to jump on the French lifestyle once I return. Adding yogurt to your every day diet, much more water throughout your day, and delightful fruit tarts are all part of her plan. She has great ideas and it's a quick read, but maybe not the best when you're working in an Italian kitchen and living on carbs!

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