Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Vocabulary Lesson

Surprisingly, I'm finding myself primarily surrounded by familiar items. I know the produce, the meats, the cheese, even though it's nothing like what we have back home. The eggplants are larger, the zucchini still have blossoms, and tomatoes redder than the lipstick I just bought. There is a larger variety of dried meats and cheeses I'm still trying to get acquainted with, but primarily it is the techniques and terms I'm really starting to learn. Some I've seen on my beloved Food Network shows, but have not had the experience myself. For the shrimp carpaccio we serve a quenelle of branzino. The term quenelle refers to food formed into an oval or egg shape using two spoons. I've been practicing but this is no easy task. I'm trying with Nutella at home so I can get it right in the kitchen!

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